Old Fashioned Lard & Lye soap is the soap that has been used for years. The soap is very gentle, moisturizing, and cleans wonderfully. It can be used for your body, hair, laundry, and as a dish soap.
The difference with yesteryears soap and the soap of today is that we do not render our own lard and the measurements for the lye are precise. In the past, there was not a way for our grandparents to precisely measure the lard and lye and often the soap would be harsh due to the excess amounts of lye used. Now we can precisely measure the lard and lye to make a wonderful moisturizing yet strong cleaning soap for multiple uses:
- Bathing
- Laundry detergent (use as the soap in your homemade laundry detergent recipe)
- Wash dishes – I love to use the bar to scrub my cast iron skillets when they are really dirty.
Approx. 3.5 oz
Ingredients: Lard, sodium hydroxide, water
Old Fashioned Soap
Price Options
One-time purchase
Old Fashion but good
$5.00every month until canceled